About the Wind CDTThe leading centre for research and training, working to tackle climate change and support the UK's energy future. I completed my PhD in the Wind CDT and continue to be involved with the centre, particularly those students working on aspects of forecasting.
In 2009, 12 Energy CDTs were established with £60m of EPSRC funding. Headed by Prof Bill Leithead, the University of Strathclyde's wind CDT offered a 4 year PhD programme, comprising 1 year of intense training and 3 years of research, to top graduates from the UK and abroad. The final intake was 2013, however, a new CDT for Wind and Marine Energy has been established in its place. Research at this multidisciplinary centre is supervised by academics from across the University, projects range from futuristic design concepts to power system integration and socio-economics. More information can be found here. |